Photo Retouching

Right from the days of Paint application on my first computer more than 20 years ago, I've been fascinated by the photo editing capabilities. So much so, that I've been profesionally practicing retouching for quite some time. Nowadays there are many editing apps and sofware, but nothing does a better job (still) than a human. Like they say: devil is in the details.
In coloboration with Lithuanian corporate photographer Martynas Zaremba, I've edited thousands of portraits, both in studio and natural enviroment photos.

Experience of 20+ years

You can see the edited images more closely at Martynas' website

In addition to the magic of AI, now capabilities of bringing your vision to life are endless. Take a look at his before(left)-after(right) image: I wanted to celebrate my son's half a year without dragging him into complicated photoshoot and AI got my back in making the set digitally. I only needed to take care of integrating his face smoothly while he took a nap.

New age for Editing capabilities